About the Blog

I got the idea for this blog based on a 20/20 clip about this girl with autism who was explaining her actions through typing on a computer. I realized that some reasons why I do things are similar to what she described and I thought that maybe I’d write down some of my own thoughts and feelings that could explain my autistic behavior.

The goal of this blog is to show my struggles and successes in living with autism and hopefully give some sort of explanation for certain behaviors that I exhibit and that others with autism may also exhibit. I don’t profess to know everything about autism and I’m not saying that my thoughts and motives are the same as everyone else who has autism. This is just one small drop in a pond of trying to help people understand autism.

What I do offer here that I know is for everyone is hope. Autism should never make you feel hopeless. Having autism is hard and I’m sure being around someone with autism can also be hard, but it is never hopeless. I believe that people born with autism were not meant to be like everybody else. We were meant to be different. And being different is okay. This blog is just a chance for me to hopefully help others to understand those differences and maybe even learn to live better and be better.


16 thoughts on “About the Blog

  1. Wow! Just reading your post and ‘About’ pages has already given me hope; I’m so glad you found us and in turn we found you. Stay encouraged and thank you SO much for following us. We pray you continue to see the beauty in the world and to spread it.


    Rebecca and Ma Chris


  2. Arielle says:

    Love your blog ! My 15 year old daughter is Aspie and is really struggling. I’ve emailed her your blog link. It’s nice to know you’re not alone….


  3. I nominated you for the sunshine award. I understand if you don’t accept, I just want you to know how much I love your blog! You bring so much sunshine and wisdom and light into the darkness and your writing is so empowering to others. Thank you for all that you share here! ❤


  4. Your blog is currently included on our Actually Autistic Blogs List (anautismobserver.wordpress.com). Please personalize your blog’s description by selecting “About the list/How do you want your blog listed?” from the top menu on that site.
    Thank you.
    Judy (An Autism Observer)


  5. Hey Julia,

    My name is Ahmed and I am the creator of a comic book that features a superhero with Autism. The story is inspired by my nephew, who is an awesome autistic kid, and by Mesopotamian myths. The comic is meant to help raise awareness about Autism through an engaging story, and there will also be information about Autism Charity organizations from around the world for people to reach out to. I am writing to you in hopes that you might be interested in giving my comic a shout out and help me promote my upcoming campaign, which will start on the 15th of May and it will run for 30 days.
    Here is the pre-launch page on Indiegogo where you can learn more. There is a video teaser followed by an explanation for the comic to help you understand more about my project. I hope you will find it interesting.


    Thank you very much. I’ll be looking forward to your reply.

    Kindest regards,



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