Something Good- Day 360-365

I went to my brother’s house for Christmas day. We arrived later than I had planned because I wanted to clean the house before we left, but we ate dinner and then opened gifts with them.

I spent the next few days at my brother’s house. I was able to hold the baby for a while and spend a lot of time with my nieces and nephews. Saturday, we took the kids out to lunch at a pizza buffet. We watched Soul and then went to a light show about 30 minutes from their house. It was a bit of a drive, but definitely worth it.

We had a birthday party on Sunday for my oldest nephew. We had lunch and cake. Then, he opened his presents. We left afterwards to come back home.

Monday was a pretty good day at work. My boss finally came back after being out sick for three months. We were all excited to see her because it has been so long. The day went smoothly, and I was even able to donate plasma during my lunch.

Yesterday we had homemade barbeque meatball subs for dinner. I signed up for a bank account to get a special cash back offer, which I was really excited about. Then, we watched a movie and relaxed.

Today we went to the store to check out holiday clearance items. We bought a few gifts to save for next year and some candy and other things. I am looking forward to taking some time off work over the next couple weeks and spending time with friends in the new year.

Something Good- Day 350-354

Tuesday I helped my sister with her papers. We got most of them done so that she could focus on finals the next day.

Wednesday we were able to watch a movie after my sister finished school for the semester.

Thursday I woke up much earlier than I had planned. I was hungry and awake though, so I ate and donated plasma before work. It was nice to not have to worry about donating during lunch. I was able to relax and eat my lunch peacefully.

Friday was a good day at work. We were able to see our boss, who has been out sick since October. She had her husband bring us gifts and then came through the drive thru to say hello. We celebrated Christmas with some friends after work.

Yesterday we finally went to Costco to get our membership cards. I had done a Groupon a few months ago that almost made the membership free. However, we had not been able to go to the store because we always try to do so much on Saturdays. We learned a lot, and I was excited to get cheap gas again.

Something Good- Day 322-324

This has been a difficult week. We have had our bank lobby closed all week because we have so many people out sick right now. I went to donate plasma on Tuesday and was told that my iron was barely too low, so I had to go back the next day. Wednesday is a very busy day at the plasma center, so I had to wait longer than normal and almost double what I had planned. I also tried adjusting my medication schedule to the morning because I felt it might be more effective. However, I always forget to take medicine in the morning, so I ended up missing a couple doses, which made me more depressed than normal. But… This is about something good that happened every day. So… Here goes…

Tuesday was calmer at work than Monday. We had three tellers, instead of two, which helped a lot. Wednesday was a slower day at work, which made my long donation process a minor inconvenience for my coworkers rather than a hectic extra hour. I was also able to help my sister finish all her homework Wednesday night before her deadlines. Today was a pretty good day at work. I dropped by a couple houses after work to pick up items. My sister sold a few things online, so we were able to get a new tank for some fishes we adopted. I told my sister we would only get another fish if it was free, but this free fish happened to be a little big for our tank. She earned a new tank though, and we will be transferring them to it tomorrow.

Something Good- Day 297-299

We spent most of Friday night packing for our trip to see family. I did spend some time with a friend that I had not seen in a while, as well.

Saturday morning, I went to get an oil change and have my tires serviced. Afterwards, I donated plasma, and we went out for lunch. We arrived at my brother’s house a little later than planned, but the kids were excited to see us.

Today was pretty mellow. We had home church, then watched some movies and played with the kids. At the end of the night, we took the kids for a drive to see Halloween decorations.

Something Good- Day 290-291

Yesterday, I came home to a complete overhaul of my garden plot. My sister and her friend had removed all the dead plants to get it ready for winter. I have wanted to work on our lawn and garden for a while now, but never feel like I have time. My sister also sold our old fridge, which stopped working a while back, to make room for a new one. We went to dinner to celebrate all her hard work so she would not have to cook.

I woke up early today and did a couple loads of laundry before heading out to donate plasma. We also did some shopping for essentials and Halloween decorations. Afterwards, we made a delicious pork roast dinner and took some to the missionaries in our area.

Something Good- Day 288-289

The last two days have been much better at work. We have been able to keep up with everything for the most part. Yesterday I was able to donate plasma during my lunch break, which has not happened in quite a while. After work, my sister surprised me with a clean kitchen, so I took her to the store to get Halloween stuff.

Today we went grocery shopping and were able to get everything we need for the next week. Afterwards, we used a coupon to get ice cream. It was delicious, though I will probably regret it when I get a stomachache later. We ended the night watching cartoons and eating popcorn.

Something Good- Day 280

I woke up early and went to donate plasma this morning. They just started a new program that pays more per week, so it was busier than normal. Unfortunately, I did not take this into account and ended up being late for work. Today was not overly busy, though, so my coworkers did not mind. I am especially grateful for the extra money from donating this month because we have some extra expenses and necessary purchases to make. I will receive an extra $200 this month if I am able to donate each visit, which will definitely help me catch up on bills.

Something Good- Day 236-240

It has been a while since my last post. I have been spending as much time with family as possible. Sunday I drew Pokemon characters for my nieces and nephew. Then we watched movies and had late night church.

Monday I spent the morning playing outside with the kids. We also played videogames for a while. I picked up my sister that night. We went out for a snack and watched a movie when we got back.

I headed back home Tuesday after a shopping spree at our favorite thrift store. We came away with a bundle of exciting games, books, and movies.

I went back to work yesterday after my short vacation. It was a calmer day, and I was able to catch up on my work. Then, I was able to buy some Pokemon cards for my nephew from someone online.

Today was a busier day at work. I started to get hangry at lunchtime, and I was frustrated that I would not have time to donate plasma during my lunch break. I eventually decided to get Costa Vida, which was delicious and helped me feel better. I came home after work with some treats because I had a couple coupons to use today.

Something Good- Day 210-213

It has been a busy week. Tuesday I got a call to schedule my new internet installation. It was especially helpful because it will save me money every month and no longer have the data limits that I have now.

Wednesday I donated plasma and got some groceries. Then my sister and I went out for a bit to get her out of the house.

Thursday my sister went to the chiropractor and found out that she has degenerative disc disease. Not great news, but he did say that it was good they caught it early so that they could start treatment and preventative measures.

Friday I got to wear a t-shirt to work, which I loved. It was also helpful because I drove four hours to take my sister to the airport. We were running late, so I was grateful I did not have to change out of work clothes.

Something Good- Day 205-208

Honestly, if I did not already do this for over half a year, I would probably stop. It is just hard to post something every day when my days are so full.

Anyway, Thursday was a pretty good day for me, which was good because it was rough for my sister and a lot of my coworkers. So it helped even things out a bit.

Friday I went after work to donate plasma because I get a bonus for donating eight times this month and did not want to miss that opportunity. We went out to eat afterwards and then rented a movie to watch. I was so tired that I fell asleep in my day clothes as soon as the movie finished.

My mom and grandma came to visit Saturday. We went out to eat and got to spend some time together.

Sunday we had some friends over for lunch. Then, we went for a drive to see the river and some waterfalls nearby. We ended the day with cheesecake to celebrate birthdays that have passed and are coming up soon.